Monday, October 19, 2009

9 Week Test

We made it through the entire 9 weeks, what an amazing journey! Our end of the 9 weeks test will be on Thursday, October 22, 2009.  The study guide was made available on Monday, October 19, 2009 and it also listed below.

6th graders 

1.What is Florida's nickname? The Sunshine State

2.Name something shown in the Great Seal of Florida. the sun, a steamboat

Sabal Palm tree, and a Native American Seminole woman scattering flowers.

3. What is the state tree? Sabal Palm

4. What is the State Animal? Florida Panther

5. What is the State Flower? Orange Blossom

6. What is the State Day? April 2

7.What do geographers look at when they study Florida? It's physical conditions.

8. When did Ancient Native Americans make their way to Florida? about

12,000 years ago.

9. When was Florida's first permanent settlement established? 1565

10. Florida is the 4th most populated state in the United States

11. What did the native Americans who came and lived in Florida develop?

agriculture, villages, trade, and political and religious systems.

12. When did Ponce de Leon arrive in Florida? 1513

13. What year was St Augustine founded? 1565

14.When did Florida become a state? 1845

15. When did African Americans lose their right to vote? 1877.

16. What is Florida's main source of revenue? tourism

17. What is the largest population group in the state? white

18. What did immigrants from different countries bring with them when they moved to Florida? traditions of belief, language, culture, art, music, etc.

19. What is the economic impact of cultural diversity? a wide range of goods and services may become available.

20. Give an example of how Florida worked to restore a damaged ecosystem. Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project, Kissimmee River restoration, restrictions on land development and water use, etc.

21. How has immigration affected Florida voters in elections for public office? Florida has begun to elect more minorities to office.

22. Tourism is the largest income producing industry in Florida.

23. Government, healthcare, and tourism are becoming an even more
important part of Florida's economy.

24.What is geography? Geography is the study of the earth in all its

25.What two characteristics of a place do geographers study? physical
and human characteristics

26. What are the main tools of geography? maps and globes

27. What are 3 uses of geography? to find a location, planning, making good decisions, and using resources wisely.

28. What bodies make up the solar system? the sun, the earth, 8 other planets, and thousands of smaller bodies including Earth's moon.

29. List two gases in the atmosphere. nitrogen and oxygen

30. What are the 3 layers of the earth? core, mantle, and crust.

31. What are two reasons people settle in a particular region? climate
and availability of resources.

32. What are ther four steps in the water cycle? evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection.

33. What percentage of the world's water is fresh water? about 2

34. How do wind and water affect climate? wind and currents carry
the sun's warmth around the earth.

35. What kind of social groups do social scientists study? rich, poor,
middle class, age group, males amd females, ethnic and religious groups.

36. What are the different forms of government a society may have?
monarchy, dictatorship, and democracy.

7th graders

1.What is Florida's nickname? The Sunshine State

2.Name something shown in the Great Seal of Florida. the sun, a steamboat

Sabal Palm tree, and a Native American Seminole woman scattering flowers.

3. What is the state tree? Sabal Palm

4. What is the State Animal? Florida Panther

5. What is the State Flower? Orange Blossom

6. What is the State Day? April 2

7.What do geographers look at when they study Florida? It's physical conditions.

8. When did Ancient Native Americans make their way to Florida? about

12,000 years ago.

9. When was Florida's first permanent settlement established? 1565

10. Florida is the 4th most populated state in the United States

11. What did the native Americans who came and lived in Florida develop?

agriculture, villages, trade, and political and religious systems.

12. When did Ponce de Leon arrive in Florida? 1513

13. What year was St Augustine founded? 1565

14.When did Florida become a state? 1845

15. When did African Americans lose their right to vote? 1877.

16. What is Florida's main source of revenue? tourism

17. What is the largest population group in the state? white

18. What did immigrants from different countries bring with them

when they moved to Florida? traditions of belief, language, culture,

art, music, etc.

19. What is the economic impact of cultural diversity? a wide range of goods and services may become available.

20. Give an example of how Florida worked to restore a damaged

ecosystem. Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project, Kissimmee River restoration, restrictions on land development and water use, etc.

21. How has immigration affected Florida voters in elections for public office? Florida has begun to elect more minorities to office.

22. Tourism is the largest income producing industry in Florida.

23. Government, healthcare, and tourism are becoming an even more

important part of Florida's economy.

24. What type of economic system has Russia adopted? free market


25. What are Russia's most productive farmlands? the Volva and Urals

26. What river carries almost half of Russia's river traffic? the Volva

27. Where did most Egyptians live? near the Nile River and the delta

28. What mathematical contributions did Egyptians make to

civilization? a number system based on 10, fractions, whole numbers,

and geometry.

29. What was a ziggurat? a large, steplike Sumerian tower with a temple on the top.

30. What concept did we borrow from the Babylonians? the 60 minute hour, the 60 second minute, and the 360 degree circle.

31. Why did the Egyptian embalm their dead? to perserve their body for

the afterlife.

32. Why is the Nile River important to Egypt? It supplies 85% of

Egypts water.

33. What are the major language and religion of Egypt? Arabic and Islam.