I would like to welcome you to a new and exciting school year! I am happy to have both and your child(ren) be a part of my class:) This year will be a year filled with rigor and we will start off running. There will be several new strategies that will be implemented throughout the school and emphasized in my classroom. Your child mastering the skills necessary to be grade level proficient will take a joint effort. I challenge each parent to become or remain active in your child's academic studies. If you need ANY assistance, please feel free to contact me. I will be more than happy to work with you so that you will feel more comfortable working with your child. I'm sure that with a collaborative effort we will have Successful and Productive School Year themed "A Time For Growth".
I consider my classroom to be a positive learning environment for all. By following the rules listed below, your child will play a major role in the success or failure of this goal:
1. Be Prompt (To be on time you must be in the classroom and sitting in your seat when the bell rings. If you are not on time and don't have a pass, your group will loose points on your behalf)
2. Be Prepared (It is not enough for you to just to be to class on time, you need to have your supplies (pencils, paper, journal) ready.
3. Be Polite (You should always follow the golden rule, treat others as you would like for others to treat you, with the in mind you should keep all negative comments, gestures. and/or actions to yourself . Failure to this disrupts instructional time and will not be tolerated.
4. Be Productive (When you enter the classroom you need to go to your assigned seat. While in that seat you need to work cooperatively or independently, depending on the assignment. I expect ALL assignment, both in-class and homework) to be turned in on time.
5. Be Positive (This room is filled with positive energy. It is important that you do not put down anyone by making derogatory comments and always put forth 100% effort. You need to respect your teacher, your classmates, and yourself)
Student agendas will be distributed on the first day of school. Please hold on to this because if you loose them you will have to purchase a new one and the cost is $5. Lunch forms will also be distributed on Monday, please complete these and turn them in as soon as possible.If your child is playing a sport, please complete your activity form and work towards scheduling an annual physical. Parent Contact Form-It's imperative that we have updated contact information for you and your child. In the case of an emergency we will need to be able to contact as quickly as possible so as numbers and addresses change please update it:) If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at 488-9374 or via email at montgomeryla@mail.leon.k12.fl.us. Sometimes e-mails are tossed out and labeled as SPAM, if you do not hear from me with 24 hours please make a 2nd attempt to contact me.
I look forward to a rewarding school year with both you and your child,
Mrs. Montgomery